Hygienist in Selly Oak, Birmingham

Dental Hygienist In Harborne

Regular visits to see a dental hygienist and an excellent oral hygiene regime is the best way to prevent gum disease. A dental hygienist will be able to advise you on how best to reach those hard to reach areas effectively to improve your oral health.

Call 0121 472 1525 to book in with our hygienist

Don't Wait, See a

Dental Hygienist

Dental hygienists are trained to professionally remove any build up of calculus and tartar from those difficult to reach areas. This is important around any dental implants, cosmetic dentistry (such as composite bonding and veneers), braces (fixed orthodontics and Invisalign), restorative work you may have had, like white composite fillings, E-max crowns and  Zirconia bridgework.  They will also remove surface staining from the teeth, a problem that occurs through diet, lifestyle like drinking tea, coffee, red wine or smoking.

We also have a Dental hygiene direct access policy - meaning that you will not have to see the dentist first and can book straight in for your clean, to leave your mouth feeling fresher and looking brighter.

Dental Surgery, Harborne Lane

Our Dental Treatments and Services

Teeth Straightening

Invisible clear braces – straighten your smile.

Teeth Whitening

Are you ready for whiter, brighter teeth?

Smile Makeovers

We will get you your dream smile.

Dental Implants

A long term solution to replace missing teeth.

Emergency Appointments

Extreme toothache, a broken a tooth or a lost denture?

Here’s What Our Patients Say

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:30- 5:30
Friday 8:30 - 3:00

213 Harborne Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6SS
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